
What Wins

Have you ever felt like something (maybe even life itself) was a battle?  Like resistance was rising up against you?  Like you may be consumed and defeated?

I know I have!  In fact, I'm in a couple different situations even right now that could cause me to feel this way.

In light of these times I think we can take our cue's and learn from a couple of different people... mentor's if you will...


Word came that armies were rising up against him and the people.  (2 Chron. 20)
"The people of Judah came together to seek help from the Lord." (vs. 4)

Jehoshaphat then prayed and ended with these words,
"We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you." (vs. 12)

As we face times that do not make sense and/or seem certain defeat, may we also not hesitate to say to God, "I do not know what to do, but my eyes are on You."


After Jehoshaphat's prayer, Jahaziel stood and encouraged,
"Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army.  For the battle is not yours, but God's. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.  Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you." (vs. 15, 17)


It was then that Jehoshaphat bowed with his face to the ground and all the people fell down in worship(vs. 18)

As we pray and seek God, His face, His plans in the situations facing each of us... may we not forget to also bow and fall down in worship to Him alone!

And as we continue to march forward in our battle, may we be encouraged by Jehosphat's words...
"Have faith in the Lord your God and you will be upheld." (vs. 20)

The People

We can also learn from and duplicate the behavior of the people in their fight.  Let's...
"sing to the Lord and praise Him for the splendor of His holiness... 'Give thanks to the Lord, for his love endures forever." (vs. 21)


For it was "as they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the" armies invading... and those armies were defeated.  (vs. 22)

Response for Today

I'm freshly reminded of my role in my battle.  I am called to:

* seek the Lord
* admit that I do not know what to do, but my eyes are on Him
* not be afraid or discouraged, for this battle is not even mine, but God's
* take position
* stand firm
* watch for deliverance that the Lord, alone, will give
* go out in battle and face resistance with the Lord in lead

In the midst of all of that... my top priority roles are to:

* fall in worship
* praise Him

For it was as the people worshiped and praised that the Lord responded...

Friends, in addition to prayer, I firmly believe that as we worship, sing and praise, the Lord is going to move.  At just the right time, He is going to set ambushes and we will experience victory...

I am being reminded that His victory most often looks and comes very differently than what I think victory will be!

His way in His time

And in that victory every last piece of it will belong to Him alone!  For HIS glory!

Though our "battle" is a different opponent, the strategy works much the same.  So as I stand and sing praises in my battle, I'm eagerly watching the horizon for the deliverance and victory the Lord is going to bring!

My prayer and hope for you is that you are also encouraged by these mentors of days gone by, suiting up for the front lines of your battle... leading out your fight in worship, song and praise to God.

Let's go friends... we've got a victory, HIS VICTORY, to witness and be a part of!


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